Все новости от 6 июня 2000 г. DPI starts shipping Phaser 750
DPI has announced that it is starting to sell a new line of the color laser printers Phaser 750 manufactured by Xerox Office Printing Business. The recommended retail prices in Russia are as follows: Phaser 750 - $2,873, Phaser 750 Plus - $3,578, Phaser 750 Auto Duplex $4,404, Phaser 750 Extended - $5,013. Their predecessors – Phaser 740L and 740N – have been phased out. Two other models of the Phaser 740 line – Phaser 740P and 740DP - will still be available with their prices reduced by 25-30 percent.
DPI: (+7 095) 937-51-57 www.dpi.ru