Все новости от 2 февраля 2004 г. Cockroaches are the carriers of cancer
People hate cockroaches, and there is a reason for it now. We hate these disgusting creatures because of our instinct of self-preservation. It has been well known for a long time that these insects can cause allergy and asthma. Recently Japanese scientists proved that they can cause cancer. As a matter of fact, clear interrelation between cockroaches and oncological diseases had been established earlier. But it was considered that only insecticides can cause cancer. Aerosols which we are forced to breathe are especially harmful. A lot of insecticides contain DDVP - the substance unambiguously causing cancer. But now researchers from Medical University of Kyoto Prefecture have found out that cockroaches themselves can cause oncological diseases.
It has been well known for a long time that cockroaches are the carriers of different bacteria. Japanese scientists say that bacterium Helicobacter pylori, increasing risk of stomach cancer, is spread with cockroach excrements. According to the scientists’ opinion, if cockroaches exist in your house, you are most likely infected with this bacterium. The specialists think that more than half of world population is infected. This bacterium itself does not cause cancer, but it can increase the possibility of the disease. So, the main conclusion made by Japanese scientists is that cockroaches are not only disgusting, but also terribly harmful.
But aerosols are not the only agent for struggle with cockroaches. Disinsectors say that the basic method of struggle against cockroaches is to bar the way to water. It is necessary to repair all taps, to wipe dry the sink for night time, and to plug the drainage hole (cockroaches drown in a bath and toilet bowl). It is necessary to water flowers only in the morning, and to close carefully the garbage bucket. If you observe all these recommendations, cockroaches most likely will not reproduce in your house.
Source: MIGnews.com