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АРХИВ СТАТЕЙ 2004-7-21 на главную / новости от 2004-7-21


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Все новости от 21 июля 2004 г.

Galina A. Skrebkova

Ms. Skrebkova graduated from the Mordova State University in 1973 with a degree in linguistics. She received her training in patents at the Kuibyshev Public Patent Institute in 1987. Ms. Skrebkova began her career in the R & D Center for Electrical Cables (Novosibersk) and then at the Lenin Metallurgy Factory (SAMEKO) in Kuibyshev.
From 1999 to 2001 she worked as the Director of Kongress-Servis, a part of the Samara oblast Chamber of Commerce and Industry. She is the chairman of the Council on Protecting the IP Holder's Rights in the Samara oblast Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In 2001 Ms. Skrebkova joined the firm of "Gorodissky & Partners" as Director of the Samara branch office.


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