Íà ãëàâíóþ ñòðàíèöó AlgoNet  ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâå ñ ZDNet
ÀÐÕÈÂ ÑÒÀÒÅÉ 2005-1-26 íà ãëàâíóþ / íîâîñòè îò 2005-1-26


Ìåñòî äëÿ Âàøåé ðåêëàìû!


Âñå íîâîñòè îò 26 ÿíâàðÿ 2005 ã.

Offers and prices

Our company is ready to put forward following proposals within the limits of  THE INFORMATION TOURIST CATALOGUE WWW.TUDA.RU :

1. "THE CATALOGUE"- program.  Cost makes $150 a year.

The CATALOGUE (the option button " ÒÓÐÏÐÎÈÇÂÎÄÈÒÅËÈ "on a site) provides the data of such type on your company:

  • Logotype (emblem) - one graphic element; the picture size is no more than 150 pixel *120 pixel.  
  • Specification of the company name, country of incorporation, basic fields of activity and the tourist product offered.  
  • The list of the countries and, in case of need, regions or cities, where the company keeps business activity.  
  • Business-contacts, including the address, fax, phone, e-mail, URL (WEB-site) referencing.  
  • Brief comments, the review (company information) - up to 300 - 400 signs.
The CATALOGUE is formed on the materials, received from participants of the CATALOGUE.
Some text and graphic elements may be reserved in us if necessary.


2. THE USER'S PROGRAM (MIMI - SITE in Russian). Cost makes from $120 up to $800.

THE USER'S PROGRAM is recommended first of all for those companies which do not have their own sites in Russian and find difficulty in the information updating for a Russian-speaking audience.

Passage to THE USER'S PROGRAM is carried out by means of:

  • the option button "ÌÈÍÈ - ÑÀÉÒ (MIMI - SITE)" in the CATALOGUE;
  • from the banners, submitted both on the site TUDA.RU and popular Russian tourist Internet resources.
Cost of THE USER'S PROGRAM will depend on the volume of materials submitted. THE USER'S PROGRAM may include up to 10 HTML-pages with the headings painted in the horizontal menu. The quantity of signs and graphic objects at the page should meet the customer requirements. The production value of standard HTML - pages and co-materials are pointed out below under "THE PRICES APPLICATION ".
THE USER'S PROGRAM may include:
  • representation of the company on the site TUDA.RU, description of its scope of activities and opportunities (the review is possible);  
  • seasonal offers and prices. Carrying out of offers in a separate window;  
  • list of offers on cities, regions, hotels etc.;
    Attention! THE CATALOGUE provides the opportunity for the introduction of additional 10 HTML- pages on the each taken separately tourist object advanced by you, including geographical points and regions, and also on your business partners.  
  • offers for travel agencies;  
  • offers for tourists and travelers;  
  • communication service and opportunities by calculations;
  • news service - company news layout on the primary page of THE CATALOGUE;  
  • post form of a feedback;  
  • official site of the company ( URL) reference ;  
  • prior right of participation in programs " To pick out a tour"," Live offers" and "Special offers"(Presence of the agency contract is necessary in addition ). In this case your company list of tours, submitted in the specified programs, will be arranged on the site TUDA.RU in the form of a reference " C0MPANY-NAME TOURS'';  
  • right to reduced prices for banner advertising on the site "TUDA.RU" with a standard priority and targeting ( the banner production cost is not included in the USER'S PROGRAM cost; see " THE PRICES APPLICATION ");  
  • granting URL state of the second level < http://www.COMPANY-name.tuda.ru >

You may appear as the sponsor of any tourist object, service or scope of tourist activity, headed by you. For this purpose you may place an order for one or more HTML-pages, which will be placed on corresponding part of the site TUDA.RU. Cost of such kind of advertising will depend on quantity of information materials and its location at the site.

Banner advertising of customer tourist offers within the limits of the portal TUDA.RU is stipulated . Such kind of displays will have higher priority.
Dynamics, The price for 1000 displays of a banner:
On the second pages:
Banner 600*90 pixel (top banner) - $5;
Banner 600*90 pixel (bottom banner) - $2;
Banners 100*100 pixel; 120*120 pixel and 125*125 pixel (in the bottom part of the screen) - only static - $20 a week;
Vertical banner 120*600 - $5.
On the main page:
Banner 600*90 pixel (top) - $7;
Banner 600*90 pixel (bottom banner) - $3;
Banners 100*100 pixel; 120*120 pixel and 125*125 pixel (in the bottom part of the screen) - only static - $30 a week;
Banner vertical 120*600 pixel - $5.
The main page:
Banner 600*90 pixel (top) - $350 a week;
Banner 600*90 pixel (bottom) - $350 a week;
Banners 100*100 pixel; 120*120 pixel and 125*125 pixel (in the bottom part of the screen) - only static - $20 a week;
Banner vertical 120*600 pixel - $350 a week;
The second pages:
Banner 600*90 pixel (Top) - $300 a week;
Banner 600*90 pixel (Bottom) - $100 a week;
Banners 100*100 pixel; 120*120 pixel and 125*125 pixel (in the bottom part of the screen) - only static - $30 a week;
Banner vertical 120*600 pixel - $300 a week;
At present discounts from 50 % operate.
If you do not have banners ready for operation we can make handsome and attractive banners of necessary sizes and types by your order. The prices are mentioned below in " THE PRICES APPLICATION ".

Cost of tour entry into the folder "PICK OUT TOUR" makes $5.
At the request of the customer the information page with the detailed description of a tour may be made (the price for information pages are specified in "THE PRICES APPLICATION ".
At one time, the customer may, having received an access code, independently bring in the offers into a section "Pick out tour / Recommended tours". Cost of an access code makes $150 per half a year.
Programs "LIVE TOURS" and "SPESIAL OFFERS" are carried out under additional applications, the prices on inquiry.

6. NEWS SERVICE - allocation of the company novelties on the main page of the CATALOGUE TUDA.RU
May be realized on the basis of the user's service contract.
On the main page of the site TUDA.RU in a section "The Fresh Wind" allocation of the advertising article is possible. It includes advertising, a photo and the reference to initial article. The article is placed in a section "The Fresh wind" over the paid term.
The price per à month:
  • on the first page, a place of allocation from 1 up to 7    - $150;
  • on the second page in a section "The winds Archives"  - $50.

The main page of your USER'S PROGRAM in the CATALOGUE "TUDA.RU", or, in the case of Russian-speaking version, the page of your company corporate site as well may appear as the addressee for the user.

Various advertising models are possible:
  • Small advertising campaign. Cost makes- from $100 up to $1000 a month.  
  • The expanded advertising campaign. Cost makes from $1000 $USA up to $5000 a month.  
  • Shocking advertising campaign. Cost makes - from $5000 a month.

In quality examples of the small advertising campaign we have developed the following variants:

Also in these programs you can look the list of tourist WEB-resources on which your advertising will place.
For more details about Internet advertising (BANNER ADVERTISING) see here  http://www.tuda.ru/?ID=463079


  • Manufacturing and allocation of one text HTML-page in Russian (1800 signs + up to 4 graphic elements up to 250 pixel in width) -cost makes from $4 up to $9;  
  • English /Russian translation - from $20 up to $25 for 1 sheet (1800 signs), depending on complexity;  
  • Creation of a gif-banner - from $20 up to $120 (higher price means the use of creative decisions).  
  • Creation flesh-banner- from $120 .  


Ìåñòî äëÿ Âàøåé ðåêëàìû!