Íà ãëàâíóþ ñòðàíèöó AlgoNet  ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâå ñ ZDNet
ÀÐÕÈÂ ÑÒÀÒÅÉ 2006-3-3 íà ãëàâíóþ / íîâîñòè îò 2006-3-3


Ìåñòî äëÿ Âàøåé ðåêëàìû!


Âñå íîâîñòè îò 3 ìàðòà 2006 ã.

The 2nd international practical conference and exhibition “Installation and Utilization of the Infrastructure of Deposit Occurrences”

TMK took part in the 2nd “Installation and Utilization of the Infrastructure of Deposit Occurrences” international practical conference and exhibition, held in Moscow on 1-3 March.
TMK performed the function of Expo-Sponsor of the event, which involved the participation of leading Russian and foreign enterprises from the oil-and-gas industry, and scientific-research, project, engineering and service organizations, active in the field of creating and utilizing the infrastructure of oil-and-gas deposit occurrences. Among the issues discussed at the conference were the development trends of the market for the installation and utilization of the infrastructure of deposit occurrences, legislation and regulatory framework, systems of project planning and work with field data, inventory of hydrocarbons, systems of automatic power supply, pipes and fittings, and anti-corrosive protection of pipelines and above-ground equipment.
TMK Deputy Director General Sergei Bilan took part in the official conference opening ceremony. Company representatives presented reports at the conference on the approaches adopted by TMK in solving the problems of raising the qualitative parameters of pipes used in the exploitation of oil-and-gas deposit occurrences. An exposition presenting information about TMK products for the oil-and-gas industry was launched at a specialized exhibition held in tandem with the conference.


← ôåâðàëü 2006 1  2  3  6  7  9  10  13  14 àïðåëü 2006 →


Ìåñòî äëÿ Âàøåé ðåêëàìû!