Все новости от 20 апреля 2007 г. The tourism law has changed in Russia
1. For Heads of travel agencies Dear Colleagues,
We are The Russian Travel Company TUDA.RU (www.TUDA.ru), Tourist Universal Department of Advertising (Russia, Moscow). We pay your attention that the tourism law has changed in Russia. It makes compulsory for Russian tour operator a huge deposit which guarantees quality tourists services. These circumstances are sure to increase the cost of tours at Russian tour operators and decrease the quantity of Russian companies which are capable to conclude with you treaties for sending clients in this connection. The scheme of work with Russian partners you got used to will be broken a quantity of Russian partners sending you for some clients a year is planed to decrease by administrative way. Large scale tour operators in Russia are not enough for all of you, more than that with fix considerable increasing of quantity of receiving firms in numbers of countries. In this connection we predict the considerable increasing of buying tours at receiving companies by Russian clients. In the interests of Russian clients we produce the catalog of foreign tourists companies. This is the place where Russian tourists and foreign companies will meet each other. We produce a special technology to promote the foreign tourism to the Russian market.
I'm asking the foreign companies to check their information and confirm the participation in this catalog. We www.TUDA.ru would be pleased to hear from you concerning our proposals .
2. For Hotel Manager
Dear Colleagues,
We are capable to influence effectively on a clients choice of the place of destination and Hotels.
We look forward to possibilities of co-operation with your Company in order to make your advertising much more accessible to clients from Russia.
We offer you:
- advertising at our web-site www.TUDA.ru , - advertising at the most popular Russian travel sites by means of the Banner-Bank technology.
Moreover, specially for hotels we offer additional advertising at our Holding eHOUSE - sites, devoted to recreation and entertainment and acquaintances (the Russian prominent Internet Holding eHOUSE www.ehouseholding.ru is the largest in Russia at this moment).
As regards the questions concerning the methodology of our work, we ask you to become acquainted with an additional material, which will help you to understand the way our system works: We hope our co-operation will permit your promotional information to appear in all the most popular Russian travel sites and help you to get a lot of Russian tourists.
We www.TUDA.ru would be pleased to hear from you concerning our proposals .
With kind regards from Russia,
Victor Afanas'ev vicbor@chs.ru , manager@tuda.ru http :// www . tuda . ru / +7(495)124-69-44; +7(495)125-11-01 # 1-76